
The aim of Fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) is to consult different groups of stakeholders to explore the complexities and interdependencies involved in the transition to carbon-neutral cities.



<aside> 🔑 Overall, FCM can be a powerful tool for exploring complex systems, such as the transition to carbon-neutral cities. By using fuzzy logic (Zadeh, 1965) to capture uncertainty and ambiguity, you can develop a more nuanced understanding of the factors driving and impeding this transition.



In preparation for a session:

  1. Decide on your approach ahead of time:
  2. Assign distinct roles:
  3. When choosing a location, keep in mind that you will need a large table (and potentially whiteboard space) for the mapping to take place.
  4. Record the session. Ideally you should videorecord the sessions so that you will be able to review them later. The benefits of recording are:

Interview/Focus group process:


Facilitating the session