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About this toolkit

This toolkit was designed based on the methodology used for the UP2030 project, aiming to support cities in driving the socio-technical transitions required to meet their climate neutrality targets by leveraging participatory urban planning and design.

It consists of a simple checklist of the main stages of stakeholder engagement towards carbon neutrality, from planning to evaluation. Clicking on the arrow located to the left of each item on the checklist will expand it to reveal the tools and resources that can inform that particular step of the process.

Please note: this toolkit should be used once your initial aim has been set and communicated to your team, and it assumes that you have assessed the feasibility of the project. Stakeholder engagement should happen throughout the project, in all its stages; however, this toolkit mainly focuses on the identification of needs, barriers and drivers for change and the co-creation of visions. For further information about other stages, please refer to this page.

Before you begin your stakeholder engagement process

We present here 3 cards with resources to make sure your engagement process is inclusive and effective. They provide general recommendations that should be considered before and throughout your stakeholder engagement efforts:

  1. How to effectively communicate in order to engage all stakeholder groups
  2. Ways to lower access barriers and make sure your stakeholder engagement is inclusive and diverse
  3. The advantages and limitations of different types of engagement methods

<aside> <img src="/icons/checklist_gray.svg" alt="/icons/checklist_gray.svg" width="40px" /> CHECKLIST

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About the UP2030 project

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